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    Hi Pn77, the kit consists of the twinfeed nozzle itself, 900mm of hose,the inner supporting 2mm dia alloy wire and a set of cable ties to attach it to the bike.
    what is the internal diameter or the hose you have on your oiler, i can probably make a twin feed to suit?



    Hi Ben,

    thanks very much for the offer about translating, i would much appreciate that, my written german is sadly very poor although i can get by ok-ish with the spoken word.

    The main thing I'd like to make clear to the other guys is that i think my friend made a mistake in his understanding of the two delivery tubes which are like pincers or pliers which lightly grip the rear sprocket.
    I believe he has said that there is a 2mm dia wire inside the pincer delivery tubes?, this is incorrect, the 2mm wire is in the main delivery tube, it is this that acts as a support for the twin feed nozzle.
    The delivery nozzles themselves are made from specially shaped rubber/plastic tubes. These tubes lightly grip the rear sprocket by virtue of their own elasticity.
    Furthermore in case its not already clear the twin feed has been extensively tested on my bike for over 6000 miles without any issues at all. As long as its correctly positioned when first fitted it just keeps on doing its job.

    I am more than happy to send one to you so you can do a first hand assessment of it if you would like?

    Thanks again for your help


    Liebe Biker Freunden,

    ich moechte gern weiter erklaeren, wie das Kettenoelgeraet funkioniert.

    Die schon geschriebene 'Zanger' sind zwei besondere geformte Rohren, die legt einen Belag Oels auf das Ritzel ab und zwar liefert Schmierung zur Kette.

    Die beide Rohren schweben auf einem Belag Oels so wie ein hydrostatisches Lager.

    Innerhalb den beiden Rohren gibt's ein 2mm dicke Aludraht das haltet die Rohren fest und vermeidet es sich in die Kette zu verfangen.

    Ich habe schon hunderte davon weltweit verkauft, niemand hat sich darueber beschweren.

    Falls es mehr Fragen gibt, stehe ich euch gern zu Verfuegung.



    Hallo alle,
    ich habe gebeten, dass ein guter Freund von mir, zum ich mit der Übersetzung zu helfen und Hoffnung, etwas auf hier der bekanntzugeben das korrekte Verständnis sicherstellen von, wie es funktioniert. Marcus würde es helfen, wenn ich Ihnen ein schickte, um zu betrachten? bester Respekt Nick

    Hi all, just a quick up date to let you all know that i have developed a very efficient very low cost twin feed nozzle to apply oil to both sides of the chain, very popular in the UK so i thought id let you all know too.

    see it here



    Liebe Biker Freunden,

    ich moechte gern weiter erklaeren, wie das Kettenoelgeraet funkioniert.

    Die schon geschriebene 'Zanger' sind zwei besondere geformte Rohren, die legt einen Belag Oels auf das Ritzel ab und zwar liefert Schmierung zur Kette.

    Die beide Rohren schweben auf einem Belag Oels so wie ein hydrostatisches Lager.

    Innerhalb den beiden Rohren gibt's ein 2mm dicke Aludraht das haltet die Rohren fest und vermeidet es sich in die Kette zu verfangen.

    Ich habe schon hunderte davon weltweit verkauft, niemand hat sich darueber beschweren.

    Falls es mehr Fragen gibt, stehe ich euch gern zu Verfuegung.



    Hi all,

    interestingly your comments reference the placement of the oil delivery are similair to my own thoughts.
    I will shortly be introducing a twin flow nozzle which will be fitted as standard to the Tutoro oiler.
    I will also offer this separately to anyone wishing to upgrade there own oilers whatever the manufacturer.
    This nozzle will be located on the inner edge of the rear final drive sprocket and will deliver oil to both sides of the chain enhanced by the centrifugal forces forcing the oil out and over the chain.

    I hope this makes sense.

    best regards


    Hi Micha, Hi Markus


    Ya! Ich bin ein 1/2 Englander und 1/2 Australian LOL

    Good luck with the weather for fitting the kettenoeler this weekend

    I hope you are having better weather for motorrad than we are here

    hier ist regen regen regen!!!! ;(

    traurig meine deutch ist nicht gut


    Its even more confusing for me :tongue:
    But i thought i'd try and use a nickname on here which would let people know im a brit which is why my written german is non-existant =)


    (except the word tchuss, of course which my mate who lives in Berlin taught me)

    Thats typical technology i guess ?(

    I am quite excited now as i only have 3 miles to go to get to the magic "500 mile" mark and i can then use the revs up to 6000rpm.
    Of course that means it started raining all the time now!!! X(
    Roll on the summer!

    Hi Luzifer,

    yes i was on my bike, i had a "Triumph Sprint 955i" at the time and we did filter up the middle but the jam was 30km long and it still took ages ?(

    we only made 643km that day but the next we rode from Ann Weiler am treifiels to bristol in the uk- 965km

    I want to go back to the Ardennes region this year.

    I must start practicing my German agin, you guys speak really good english, i wish i spoke german as well as you.



    Here is my "babel fish" translation

    Hallo Luzifer,
    ja war ich auf meinem Fahrrad, ließ ich einen "Triumph 955i zu der Zeit Sprinten" und wir filterten herauf die Mitte, aber der Stau war lange 30km und er nahm noch Alter? ( wir bildeten nur 643km, die Tag aber das folgende wir Ann Weiler morgens von den treifiels nach Bristol in den britischen 965km ritten.
    Ich möchte zurück zu der Ardennes Region gehen dieses Jahr. Ich muß mein, deutsches agin, das Sie zu üben beginnen, sprechen Kerle wirklich gutes Englisch, ich wünschen, daß ich Deutsches sowie Sie sprach.

    Hi Micha

    i got stuck in a huge traffic jam around Stuttgart last October coming back from the Beerfest at Munchen :bier

    Im not going anywhere near stuttgart on a friday afternoon now 8o

    you english is very good by the way

